Basically I’m just a Writer at large! I can’t NOT write–I have to let it out.
I play in the imagination and then share it all with you!

Let’s see, what else? Oh, yeah, I’m a big fan of film noir. Thinking about starting up another blog/webpage devoted to it. Not that I don’t already have too many irons in the fire. One of the older noir films I watched recently: Blonde Ice. Too many older ones to name. Laura comes to mind, right off the bat, and so many, many more . . . And lately I’ve re-watched some of my ’90s and early 2000s favorites (which a lot of people might not even realize are noir films): China Moon (Benicio del Toro was so young, early 20s), Jennifer 8 (love this one for some reason), A Kiss Before Dying (a remake, but the original was good too, of course). And what I’m going to re-watch tonight is . . . The Killer Inside Me (came out in 2010), based on the pulp fiction classic by Jim Thompson. Thompson is very, very dark, however. If you’ve never watched or read him, be prepared.
So yes, I’m a big fan of pulp fiction works that inspired the movies, and the cover art was always fantastic. Authors like Jim Thompson, Charles Williams, who authored The Hot Spot, also a movie of the ’90s with Don Johnson, Jennifer Connelly, and Virginia Madsen. I believe Dennis Hopper directed it. It might also be a remake, not sure. Too many authors and works to name.
Appears as though I’m getting started on my new blog/webpage here–or at least a post!