Eighty-four stories! This book is massive, and includes complete versions of three of L.B.’s short story collections: Sometimes They Bite, Like a Lamb to the Slaughter, and Some Days You Get the Bear. Any one of these collections alone is worth well more than $2.99. …
Read MoreWell, one day left for Pirate Tales book Giveaway on Goodreads!
I usually try and have the Pirate Tales giveaway start or end on International Talk like a Pirate Day, which is September 19 every year. The day sneaked up on me and I tried to submit the giveaway two days before the big day. There …
Read More“To Olivia,” Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and “Man from the South.”
Not sure where to begin here, so I’ll just jump into it . . . About a year ago I stumbled across a movie called “To Olivia.” I was intrigued when I read the description. This was a movie about Roald Dahl and Patricia Neal, …
Read MoreFormat Your Book. Recently (July 1, 2023) Updated!
I just updated this book at the end of June. Got the updated version uploaded on the evening of July 1, 2023. Of course, Amazon has to approve the updates which might take up to 24-72 hours. I only state this because there was an …
Read MoreWords, the flow of the story, and “The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl.”
The story below, “River Rendezvous,” is from volume 4 of my Civil War tales: The Scarecrow and other stories. I’m presenting it here, as an example of a story, yes; but not just as an example. I am using the story as an analogy also. …
Read MoreCHAT GPT Writes a story!
Sort of. So you’re probably familiar with the terms “smart technology” and “artificial intelligence.” And you may or may not be familiar with the term “natural language processing,” also known as NLP (not to be confused with neural linguistic programming, which is something different). In …
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