Okay. I really should change the cover!
Goth? Difficult to define sometimes. Does a mausoleum on the back grounds of a haunted mansion cover it? Chains to lift the coffin lid, etc.? How about a curse?
If you can stick with ol’ Frank through the slow roll of trying to figure out what the hell is going on, and what the curse is all about . . . down to the final haunting scene of Part I where you might think, hey, that was a pretty cool ghost story . . .
And I thought I was finished there, but I wasn’t.
. . . then, in Part 2, head into a twisting turn of events that propels Frank into a roller coaster ride of axe-wielding mayhem, . . .
Well, I think you’ll enjoy the ride, and have some fun along the way.
Just don’t take it all too seriously.
It was the most fun-filled four days of writing I’ve ever experienced. I had a blast! These characters really came alive. Frank was a hoot when it came down to it; Especially once he picked up the axe and started swinging.
I had most of my books out of Kindle Select, but put this one back in so I could give it away. Otherwise it just sits there on Amazon, forlorn and lonely, getting overlooked.
So, kick back, prop your feet up and enjoy the ride!
FREE to download on kindle this Sunday 10/25 through Monday 10/26 FREE
I might make it FREE again on election day, so you’ll have something to read, a fun distraction, while waiting in the long lines.