Mark Stattelman – Author

Mark Stattelman Author

From the Walter Tevis novel, Mockingbird:
I must get inside that library! I must have books again. If I cannot read and learn and have things that are worth thinking about, I would rather immolate myself than go on living. –Bentley
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Newly Updated as of July 1, 2023!
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Newest Releases:
Just Released 16 June, 2021
Blue Girl and The Stars:
A Short Story Collection of Dark, Speculative fiction.

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ROHMER’S GARDEN: A Science Fiction Collection

Also Available:
PIRATE TALES: Cap’n’s Eyes and other eerie stories!


This book will blow your mind!
The Red Kimono is Available at these stores!

The Scarecrow 14 Dark Tales of the Civil War: Volume Four
Now Available!