You’ll get the full explanation, along with the updated version of the complete story here:

The reason I’m not posting the whole thing here is that the story comes in at over 5000 words, which I’m thinking might be too long for a post. My posts do tend to get longish as it is, right? But since I’ve just explained it all and laid out the full story with the added new ending under a new menu on my website page called Updated Stories, I figured I would just tell you how to get to it rather than repeating everything here.
Of course, you might be reading this post on my site, which will make things easier for you. So, I guess I mainly have those of you who are reading this post on Goodreads in mind. I try to sync all of my posts on the site with Goodreads. I guess you could call it a mirror blog, if you are so inclined.
So, here’s what happened, in a nutshell:
I noticed that someone just purchased Rohmer’s Garden from Amazon in the last couple of days. That’s when I remembered that I had written the new ending but hadn’t updated things in the book. I need to go over the whole book again and wanted to wait until I had made other changes, correcting any lingering errors, etc. Unfortunately, I sort of forgot about it for a time.
In any case, I felt that the person who just purchased the book deserved to see the new ending to the story “Rohmer’s Garden.” After all, he or she has paid good money . . . so, I should show my respect for them and provide value. I always appreciate the reader for taking the time to read my stories.
So, anyway, the full story is available for free for anyone and everyone to read. I won’t say that it is the best story from the book, but it’s a story. And who doesn’t love a story? Especially a free one. Maybe you’ll like it.
Head on over, if you aren’t already there. If you are, of course, just click the upper right button of the menu.
I might start a new page on the site for more free stories in the near future. Might just have a few of my favorite stories there, not necessarily ones I have written (though I will give away my own from time to time). These will be stories in the public domain, of course. There are a few ghost stories that I really like that can be found on the Project Gutenberg site. I’ve been meaning to do a related post on the subject.
So, anyway, the story, new ending and all, is there for you to read if you so desire.