How can I get the book into everyone’s hands who entered?558 people entered contest, but only 100 people won copies. So what about the other 458 people who want to read it? I realize that it wouldn’t really be a contest if everyone wins; however, it would be nice if Goodreads had it set up so that maybe a week or so after the contest was over, everyone who entered the contest got a free copy automatically downloaded.
I could put the book back in Amazon’s Kindle Select program and run a free day or two (up to five) if I didn’t have it published elsewhere (but I do).
I assume some people just entered to get a free book–which is totally fine with me as long as there is some interest there. I don’t mind giving free digital copies away. It doesn’t cost me a penny. Well, technically it does if I’m doing a Goodreads Giveaway. But you kind of get my point, right? Digital copies are already there, the work/cost has been done. If it was a printed copy I would have to pay for the printing, etc. Maybe I’ll do a GR Giveaway for a print version at some point (maybe 5 copies or so). Only 5 copies sounds cheap, I know. Once money starts coming in I’ll be more generous. I’ve been writing and publishing like a madman. 14 books in a year (12 under my name and 2 under a pseudonym). I’ve had the time since I lost my job, and I am very passionate about all of it. So, when I’ve lost everything and am standing in the breadline I can at least be happy that I actually got to spend some of my life doing full time something I’m passionate about. I can say “hey, I’m a published author.” Not trying to have a pity party. And I’m not trying to scam anybody or put out something of lesser value. I’ve been writing for 30 years, so I know a good story from a bad. If you’re not competent at something after doing it for thirty years, then something is seriously wrong. I don’t care if you’ve been playing tiddlywinks (is there actually such a thing?) you should be good at it. Now, as I say often enough, I know that not everyone is going to like every story I write. But I’m like, hey you didn’t like that one, try this one! I’ve written over 130 short stories, two novellas and three novels. I’ve now published quite a few of the short stories (though seven or eight got lost somewhere along the line). And I write in various genres. So, maybe . . .?
And I do, for now, have all my books (digital copies) priced at or below the price of a McDonald’s Happy Meal. My stories are much more satisfying (I hope), and certainly longer lasting. And, of course, you can revisit them, which is something you don’t ever want to do with food that you’ve eaten. It happens sometimes, I know. Depends on alcohol levels, etc. But seriously, reading is much more sustaining in the long run.
I aim to please. Really, mainly though, I write for myself. The type of stories I like to read. To me writing is the same as reading, only more fun. I never honestly know what’s going to happen next. And when it happens, I’m like, Hey, cool. And it is as much a thrill as reading it. The true satisfaction is knowing that I created it (from where I don’t know). And in sharing it with others.
I truly do want to find the readers who love the same type of stories. I want to get the books I write into the hands of people who will enjoy them. I’m not out to make a fortune, but some money coming in would be nice. LOL. Especially before I lose the house. And making it to a “Best Seller” list would be totally awesome! Especially the NYT or USA Today lists. I’m dreaming here, but why not?
In any case, I’m currently writing another book of sci-fi short stories in the vein of The Red Kimono book. And having a complete blast, I must admit. Who would have thought writing Sci-fi would be such a blast? The book is tentatively titled, Rohmer’s Garden. I’ve got the first five stories written of twelve or thirteen:
Here’s the lineup so far: “Soul of a New Machine” (written), “Rohmer’s Garden” (written), “Playroom 3.0” (written), “Incentive Corps” (written), “The Exhibit” (maybe tonight I’ll write it), “On the Cutting Edge” (written). I have the rest lined up. What I like to call “hanging partials,” which are just the typed out beginnings. I thought of four stories Saturday night and wrote down the titles. The only trouble I have now is that it is taking me longer to write the stories because they all seem to grow more involved with each story I write. Last night, working on “Incentive Corps,” I looked and it was around 8:00 p.m. and then next thing I know is that I come up out of a daze and it’s 4:00 a.m. But I’ve got a story. “Incentive Corps” is a little over 7k words and very involved. Like I said, these are all along the lines of the Red Kimono stories. Same concept. So, I hope people really enjoy that book. I’m excited and a little terrified waiting on reviews . . . It can be scary being a writer sometimes. Of course, the scarier part is if no one reads the book or leaves reviews. I’ve got my fingers crossed (though that makes typing a little tough). Obviously I’m joking about the fingers crossed while typing part. Not about the rest though. I’ll always be honest with you here, just like in person (which usually gets me in trouble, but I can’t help it).
***Anyone who is genuinely, seriously interested in a copy of The Red Kimono, contact me and I’ll find a way to get you a copy.***
Thank You all again for entering the contest. I love it, that you took the time and are interested!